Ready to Be a Blazer?
Student School Choice and Board Transfer Information
School Choice
School Choice applications are accepted every year between January 1 and May 1.
For students who do not live within the Valley View School District but would like to enroll in our district, the Arkansas School Choice Act may be an option to become a Blazer. The Arkansas School Choice program enables a student in kindergarten through grade 12 to attend a school in a district other than the student's resident district.
You may submit the choice form in any of the following ways:
Online Form (Easiest Way): Click Here
Print, Complete and Email to alicia.schall@valleyviewschools.net
Print, Complete and Fax to 870-972-0373
Print, Complete and Mail to 2131 Valley View Drive Jonesboro, AR 72404
Print, Complete and Deliver in Person to Alicia Schall at the Valley View District Administration Office.
If not completing form online, print and complete the School Choice Application Form (PDF) - Click Here
Additional Information:
School Choice applications do not have the be submitted each year. Once a student has been enrolled as a Valley View student as a resident or through school choice or transfer, the student may remain a Valley View student as long as he/she is continuously enrolled as a Blazer.
If a parent who lives in the Valley View School District wants to send their child to another school district, the parent may file a School Choice application with the school district in which they wish to attend between January 1 and May 1.
If a student in grades 7-12 is approved to attend another district under School Choice, enrolled prior to July 1 and wishes to participate in athletics or activities governed by the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA), a CSAP (Changing Schools/Athletic Participation Form) must be completed by the parent and signed by the superintendents of both the resident and nonresident district prior to participating in any interscholastic competition.
If a CSAP Form is Needed: Link to CSAP Form to Print, Complete and Submit to nonresident district superintendent (receiving school) if School Choice Application is approved by the nonresident district- Click Here
Additional Documents for More Information:
Legal Transfers
Student Board-to-Board Legal Transfer Petitions are accepted and reviewed at any point in the calendar year.
For students who do not live within the Valley View School District but would like to enroll in our district, filing a legal student transfer petition with the district in which you reside may be an option to become a Blazer. Under A.C.A. 6-18-316, the parent or guardian of a student in kindergarten through grade 12 may submit a petition to the resident district's school board to release the student to attend a school in a district other than the student's resident district. If the student transfer petition is approved by the resident district, the petition is then sent to the nonresident district's school board to consider acceptance in approving the student to enroll in the nonresident district.
Remember a parent/guardian must submit the completed transfer to the resident district first and indicate the district the parent wishes for their child(ren) to attend.
If you are a Valley View resident, you may submit the transfer form to Valley View in any of the following ways:
Online Form (Easiest Way): Click Here
Print, Complete and Email to alicia.schall@valleyviewschools.net
Print, Complete and Fax to 870-972-0373
Print, Complete and Mail to 2131 Valley View Drive Jonesboro, AR 72404
Print, Complete and Deliver in Person to Alicia Schall at the Valley View District Administration Office.
If not completing form online, print and complete the Legal Student Transfer Petition Form (PDF) - Click Here
Additional Information:
Legal student transfer requests do not have the be submitted each year. Once a student has been enrolled as a Valley View student as a resident or through school choice or transfer, the student may remain a Valley View student as long as he/she is continuously enrolled as a Blazer.
If a parent who lives in the Valley View School District wants to send their child to another school district, the parent may file a Student Transfer Petition with Valley View using one of the above ways to request a release of the student(s) from Valley View.
If a student in grades 7-12 is approved to attend another district under a legal transfer, enrolled prior to July 1 and wishes to participate in athletics or activities governed by the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA), a CSAP (Changing Schools/Athletic Participation Form) must be completed by the parent and signed by the superintendents of both the resident and nonresident district prior to participating in any interscholastic competition. (Note: Board-to-board transfers must take place by July 1 before a student enters grades 7-12 in order to meet the domicile eligibility requirement.)
If a CSAP Form is Needed: Link to CSAP Form to Print, Complete and Submit to nonresident district superintendent (receiving school) if Board-to-Board Legal Transfer is approved by both the resident and nonresident school boards - Click Here
Additional Documents for More Information: